Brewer Group Members

Our research group combines the work of Prof. W.D. Brewer and Prof. Dr. Erwin Klein (retired since March, 1998), and also includes a subgroup headed by Rolf Rentzsch, supported by the HSP-3 program through 2002, thereafter FU Berlin.

Other members of the group at present include:

·  Dr. Barbara Sandow   [Wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Tunnelling spectroscopy; currently DAAD].


·  Dr. Mark Prandolini   [Humboldt Stipend from September, 1999: thin-film magnetism, LTNO and resonance; currently DESY/Hamburg].


·  Dr. Przemek Imielski  [Doctoral student with the HMI collaboration/CERN; Doctorate 2007; currently GRS Berlin]


·  Prof. Sonia Frota-Pessôa  [Guest from the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; electronic-structure theory].


·     Dr. Carsten Enderlein [Diplom 2006: Transport properties of Yb and quantum critical point; Dr. FU/FHI, 2010; currently CBPF, Rio de Janeiro].


·     André Loose [Diplom 2006: Study of physical properties of the La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O(4-d) system; currently doctoral student, HU Berlin].


Former members:

·            Dr. Marita Gierlings  [Dr., Jan. 2003: thin-film magnetism, exchange-bias effects using LTNO, magnetometry, SPNR; HMI collaboration; currently Bonn]

·            Dr. Ronald Kirsch   [Dr., Feb. 2002: magnetism and lattice location using IBPAD, with the HMI collaboration].

·            Dr. Olaf Beutler  [Dr., July 1998; currently at AEV, Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany].

·            Dr. Olivio Chiatti  [Diplom, mit Uni. Padua, 2001; Dr. at Royal Holloway University, London; currently OKZ, HU Berlin, Adlershof].

·               Dr. Tobias Funk  [Dr., November 1999; currently at Triple Ring Technologies, USA].

·               Dr. Eberhard Thom  [Dr., January 1997; currently Senat, Berlin].

·               Dr. Christian Reich  [Diplom, 1997, Doctorate, 2002, Uni Jena; currently München].

·               Dr. Martin Müller  [Assistent 1996/97; Dr., HMI/FU Berlin, 2002; currently Springer-Verlag, Darmstadt].

·               Dr. Michael Danielides  [Diplomand, gemeinsam mit HUT, Helsinki; currently DLR, Neustrelitz].




Some members of the group in early 1999: seated, from left: W.D. Brewer and E. Klein;
standing, from left: B. Sandow, R. Rentzsch, T. Funk







Seated, from left to right: Eberhard Beck (doctorate, 1997;
now at Siemens AG, München), Sonia Frota-Pessôa (Uni São
Paulo), Jivan Kapoor (postdoc, HMI until 1997; now at Didier,
Wiesbaden), Christian Reich (Diplom 1996, now at Uni Jena).
Standing, l. to r.: Yi Li (postdoc at HMI until 1997, now at
MPI Stuttgart), Olaf Beutler (doctoral student, FU/HMI),
Barbara Sandow (FU/HSP-III), Wolfgang Becker (Materiallabor,
FU), Tobias Funk (Diplom, 1996, now doctoral student, FU),
and W.D. Brewer (FU).

Seated, from left to right: Eberhard Beck (doctorate, 1997;
now at Siemens AG, München),  Yi Li (postdoc at HMI until 1997,
now at MPI Stuttgart), Jivan Kapoor (postdoc, HMI until 1997;
now at Didier, Wiesbaden), Christian Reich (Diplom 1996, now
at Uni Jena).
Standing, l. to r.: Olaf Beutler (doctoral student, FU/HMI),
Dietmar Riegel (HMI), Wolfgang Becker (Materiallabor,
FU), Tobias Funk (Diplom, 1996, now doctoral student, FU),
Barbara Sandow (FU/HSP-III) and W.D. Brewer (FU).


last update:  Aug. 2003, WDB