Publications by W.D. Brewer Jan. 2024
Part I: Publications in
journals and books
In chronological order, newest first
131. William D. Brewer, 'Kurt
Gödel − The Genius of Metamathematics'. (Springer Nature, Scientific
Biographies, September 2022). ISBN 978-3-031-11309-3 (e-book), ISBN
978-3-031-11308-6 (print). Biography, 495 pages. [Brewer (2022b)]
130. William D. Brewer, 'David
A. Shirley’s research group—The early years', in: Journal of Vacuum
Science & Technology A 40 (4) (2022), 041601 (8 pages). [Brewer
129. William D. Brewer, 'Jayme
Tiomno: Relativity, gravity, cosmology, and the
Marcel Grossmann Meetings', in: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel
Grossmann Meeting, Rome (2021), Eds. R. Ruffini
and G. Vereschagin. World
Scientific, 2023. ISBN 978-9-811-26977-6 (e-book), 978-9-811-26976-9 (print).
Pages 3547-3562. [Brewer (2023)]
128. William D. Brewer,
Alfredo T. Tolmasquim, 'Jayme Tiomno – A Life for Science, a Life for Brazil'.
(Springer Nature, Scientific Biographies, June 2020). ISBN 978-3-030-41011-7
(e-book), ISBN 978-3-030-41010-0 (print). Biography, 396 pages. [Brewer & Tolmasquim (2020)].
127. Jingli Chen, William D.
Brewer, 'Ohmic contacts in p-GaN', in: Advanced Electronic Materials
1 (8) (2015), 1500113 (7 pages).
126. William D. Brewer, Friedrich Zastrow, ‘H-Rotoren –
Windturbine mit vertikaler Achse’, in: Physik in unserer Zeit, 46
(3), Mai 2015 (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim).
125. C. Enderlein, S. M.
Ramos, M. Bittencourt, M. A. Continentino, W. Brewer and E. Baggio-Saitovich, ‘Anomaly
Close to an electronic topological semimetal-insulator transition in elemental
fcc-Yb under pressure’, in: Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2013),
pp. 143711-17.
124. Manzhur, Y.; Zeitz,
W.-D.; Prandolini, M.J.; Brewer, W.D.; Imielski, P.; Schubert, J.; Johnston,
K., ’Investigations of “Soft-landed“ Cd Surface
Atoms via Nuclear Methods: Hyperfine Field Sign Deter-mination’, in: European
Physical Journal B59 (2007), pp. 277-283.
123. Tafur, M.; Alayo, W.;
Munayco, P.; Baggio-Saitovitch, E.; Nascimento, V.P.; Alvarenga, A.D.; Brewer,
W.D., ‘Influence of the insertion of a nano-oxide layer on the interfacial
magnetism of FeMn/NiFe/ Cu/NiFe spin valves’, Journal of Applied Physics
101 (2007), Art. 103910, pp. 1-5.
122. W. D. Brewer, A. Scherz,
C. Sorg, H. Wende, K. Baberschke, P. Bencok, S. Frota-Pessôa, ‘Direct
Observation of Orbital Magnetism in Cubic Solids’, in: ESRF Highlights
2004, Ed. G. Admans (ESRF, Feb. 2005); see
121. Y. Manzhur, P. Imielski,
K. Potzger, W.D. Brewer, M. Dietrich, M.J. Prandolini, and H.H. Bertschat: ’Magnetic
Anisotropy of Ni Modified by Extreme Lattice Expansion’, in: European
Phys. J. B46 (2005) p. 535.
120. O. Beutler, R. Kirsch,
M.J. Pranodlini, W.D. Brewer, J. Kapoor, P.J Jensen, S. Frota-Pessôa, D.
Riegel, ‘The Exchange Coupling of Dilute Fe and Cr in AuCr Alloys: Formation
of Local Magnetic Clusters’, in: Europhys. Letters 70 (2005),
119. M. Gierlings, M.
Gruyters, D. Riegel, M.J. Prandolini, T. Funk, W. D. Brewer, 'A study of the
induced magnetism in the Au spacer layer of Co/Au/CoO Exchange Bias trilayers
and related systems’, in: European Phys. J. B45 (2005),
118. W.D. Brewer, Chapter 1: ‘Modern
Methods for Investigating Magnetism’, in: Frontiers in Magnetic
Materials, Ed.
A.V. Narlikar (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin 2005; ISBN: 3-540-24512-X),
pp. 1-42.
117. T. Phalet, M.J.
Prandolini, W.D. Brewer, P. Schuurmans, N. Severijns, B.G. Turrell, B.
Vereecke, S. Versyck, 'Magnetic non-collinearity and hyperfine fields in
ultrathin Fe/Ag multilayer systems', in: Phys. Rev. B71 (2005)
Art. 144431, pp. 1-10.
116. M. Blažkova, M.
Krtićka, M. Rotter, W.D. Brewer, M.J. Prandolini, ‘NMR/ON of 60Co:
Experiments on the neutron activated Fe-Co alloy’, in: Czech.
J. Phys. 54, Suppl. 1 (2004), 623-626.
115. R. Kirsch, M.J.
Prandolini, M. Gierlings, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, D. Riegel, 'Implantation
of Single-Impurity Fe and its Magnetic Coupling in Er Studied by TDPAD' J.
Magn. Magn. Mat. 272-276 (2004), 760-761.
114. W.D. Brewer, A. Scherz,
C. Sorg, H. Wende, K. Baberschke, P. Bencok, S.Frota-Pessôa,
'Direct Observation of Orbital Magnetism in Dilute 3d Impurities', in: Phys.
Rev. Lett. 93, 077205 (2004).
113. R. Kirsch, M. J. Prandolini, O. Beutler, W. D. Brewer, M. Gruyters, J. Kapoor, D. Riegel, H. Ebert and S.
Frota-Pessôa, ’The formation of orbital moments on iron impurities in Ag1-xAux alloys’,
in: Europhys. Lett. 59 (2002),
112. A.D. Alvarenga, F.
Garcia, W.D. Brewer, M. Gruyters, M. Gierlings, M. Reis, P. Panissod,
L.C. Sampaio, and A.P. Guimaraes, 'A Depth-Profile XMCD Study of Au/CoO/Co’, in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 242-245 (2002),
111. M. Gierlings, M.J.
Prandolini, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, and D. Riegel, 'On the possibility of
detecting asymmetric magnetization reversal processes in exchange-bias systems
by low temperature nuclear orientation', in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 240
(2002), 280-282.
110. Phalet, T.; Prandolini,
M.J.; Brewer, W.D.; De Moor, P.D.; N.; Schuurmans, P.; Severijns, Turrell,
B.G.; Van Geert, A.; Vereecke, B.; and Versyck, S., 'Non-collinear magnetic hyperfine
fields on the Ag spacers in Fe/Ag multilayers', in: Phys. Rev. Lett.
86 (2001), 902-905.
109. T. Funk, W.D. Brewer, J.
Kapoor, R. Kirsch, A. Metz, and D. Riegel, 'Experiments on the Magnetism of
Sc Implanted into Metals', in: Hyp. Int. 133 (2001), 253-267.
108. Funk, T. and Brewer,
W.D., 'Recoil Implantation of 44mSc
into Fe: Nuclear Orientation, NMRON, and Relaxation Rates’,
in: Phys. Lett. A273 (2000), 266-270.
107. Prandolini, M.J., Phalet,
T., Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P., Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P.,
Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A., Vanneste, L., Vereecke, B, Versyck, S., 'Measurements
and Calculations of Hyperfine Fields in Fe/Ag Multilayers using Low Temperature
Nuclear Orientation', in: Physica B284 (2000), 1710.
106. Phalet, T., Prandolini,
M.J., Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P., Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P.,
Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A., Vanneste, L., Vereecke, B, Versyck, S., 'A
Study of the Induced Magnetic Hyperfine Fields in Fe/Ag Multilayers', in: Hyp.
Int. 120/121, 209-214 (1999).
105. Prandolini, M.J., Phalet,
T. , Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P.,
Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P., Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A., Vanneste, L.,
Vereecke, B, Versyck, S., 'Nuclear Orientation Studies of Ag Hyperfine
Fields in Fe/Ag Multilayers', in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 198-199,
291-293 (1999).
104. Kötitz, R., Weitschies,
W., Trahms, L., Brewer, W., Semmler, S., 'Determination of the binding
reaction between avidin and biotin by relaxation measurements of magnetic
nanoparticles', in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 194, 62-68 (1999).
103. T. Funk, E. Beck, W.D.
Brewer, C. Bobek, and E. Klein, 'Systematics of the Nuclear Spin-Lattice
Relaxation Rates of Transition-Element Impurities in Fe', in: J. Magn.
Magn. Mat. 195, 406-419 (1999).
102. T. Funk, E. Klein, and
W.D. Brewer, ‘Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation of 57Fe
in Fe by Thermo-metrically-detected Thermal Cycling’,
in: Phys. Lett. A248, 457-462 (1998).
101. D. Riegel and W.D.
Brewer, ‘Magnetic Behavior of Implanted Transition-Metal Probes at Different
Lattice Sites in Metals’, in: Australian. J. Phys. 51,
157-173 (1998).
100. Beck, E., Brewer, W.D.,
Funk, T., Klein, E., ‘The Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates of Ni and Ru
in Fe’, in: Australian. J. Phys. 51, 267-279 (1998).
99. Beck, E., Brewer, W.D.,
Funk, T., Bobek, C., Klein, E., ‘Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates of Os and
other 5d Elements in Fe’, in: Australian. J. Phys. 51,
281-293 (1998).
98. Phalet, T. , Dekoster, J.,
De Moor, P., Schuurmans, P., Severijns, N., Trhlík, M., Van Geert, A.,
Vanneste, L., Vereecke, B, Brewer, W.D., ‘Study of perpendicular Magnetic
Moments in the Ag of Ag/Fe Multilayers’, in: Proc. MRS Symposium on
Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces - 1997, Eds. D.D.
Chambliss, J.G. Tobin, D. Kubinski, K. Barmak, W.J.M. de Jonge, T. Katayama, A.
Schuhl, and P. Dederichs, MRC Conf. Proc. Vol. 475, 581-584
97. J. Kapoor, D. Riegel, Yi
Li, C. Polaczyk, J. Andres, F. Mezei, R. Sielemann,
Y. Yoshida, W.D. Brewer, L.A. de Mello, and S. Frota-Pessôa, ‘Observation of
Magnetism in Fe at an Interstitial Site in a Metal Host’, in: Phys. Rev.
Lett. 78, 1279-1282 (1997).
96. T. Phalet, J. Camps, P. De
Moor, P. Schuurmans, N. Severijns, M. Trhlík, A. Van Geert, L. Vanneste, B.
Vereecke, and W.D. Brewer, ’Perpendicular Induced Magnetic Moments of Ag in
Ag/Fe Multilayers’, in: J. Mag. Magn. Mat. 165, 234-238
95. M. Trhlík, E. Beck, W.D. Brewer,
J. Dekoster, H. Stèpánková, J. Kohout, and G. Langouche, ‘Nuclear
Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Co Nuclei in an Fe/Co Multilayer at Low Temperatures’,
in: Czech. J. Phys. 46, 2181-2182 (1996).
94. J. Kapoor, J. Andres, F.
Mezei, Yi Li, C. Polaczyk, D. Riegel, W.D. Brewer, E. Beck, S.B. Legoas, and S.
Frota-Pessôa, ‘The Magnetic Behavior of Fe Impurities in Tc and Re and its
Relevance to the General Problem of Fe Magnetism in d-Band Metal Hosts’,
in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2806-2809 (1996).
93. J. Kapoor, J. Andres, Yi
Li, A. Metz, D. Riegel, and W.D. Brewer, ‘Observation of Magnetism and Kondo
Effect for Sc Ions in Metallic Hosts’, in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 76,
1537-1540 (1996).
92. L. Vanneste, W.D. Brewer,
J. Camps, J. Dekoster, P. De Moor, T. Phalet, M. Trhlík, P. Schuurmans, N.
Severijns, A. Van Geert, and Y. Vanhellemont, ‘Study of MBE Fe/Ag Multilayer
Systems with Nuclear Orientation’, in: Hyp. Int. C1, 303-305
91. M. Trhlík, P. DeMoor, N.
Severijns, L. Vanneste, W.D. Brewer, E. Beck, E. Klein, J. John, ‘Magnetic
Behaviour of Dilute PtCo Alloys: A Nuclear Orientation Study’, in: Hyp.
Int. C1, 64-67 (1996).
90. E. Beck, C. Bobek, W.D.
Brewer, T. Funk, and E. Klein, ‘The Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Dilute
Pt in Fe’, in: Hyp. Int. C1, 45-48 (1996).
89. W.D. Brewer, S. Hauf, D.
Jones, S. Frota-Pessôa, J. Kapoor, Yi Li, A. Metz, and D. Riegel, ‘An
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Extremely Dilute Sc and Fe Impurities in
Gd and Tb’, in: Phys. Rev. B51, 12595-12604 (1995).
88. W.D. Brewer, S. Hauf, D.
Jones, J. Kapoor, A. Metz, and D. Riegel, ‘Lattice Location and Magnetism of
Fe and Sc Impurities in Gd and Tb Single Crystals’, in: J. Alloys and
Compounds 225, 456-460 (1995).
87. A. Metz, J. Kapoor, D.
Riegel, and W.D. Brewer, ’Local Observation of the Impurity-Impurity
Interactions in Paramagnetic AuFe Alloys’, in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73,
3161-3164 (1994).
86. M. Trhlík, W.D. Brewer, P.
De Moor, P. Schuurmans, N. Severijns, W. Vanderpoorten, L. Vanneste, J.
Wouters, A.L. Erzinkyan, V.P. Parfenova, G.M. Gurevich, and J. Dupák, ‘Magnetic
Behaviour of Co Impurity in Dilute PtFe Alloys: A Nuclear Orientation Study’,
in: IEEE Trans. Magn. 30, 1220-1222 (1994).
85. W.D. Brewer, E. Klein, C.
Bobek, U. Hobuß, W. Vanderpoorten, J. Camps, P. De Moor, P. Schuurmans, N.
Severijns, and L. Vanneste, ’Spin Lattice Relaxation of Light Impurities in
Iron ‒ the Case of NaFe’, in: Physica B194-196, 347-349
84. W.D. Brewer, U. Hobuß, A.
Metz, and D. Riegel, ’Low Temperature Nuclear Relaxation of Dilute Nb and Tc
in Fe’, in: Physica B194-196, 359-60 (1994).
83. W.D. Brewer, M. Trhlík, P.
De Moor, P. Schuurmans, N. Severijns, W. Vanderpoorten, L. Vanneste, J.
Wouters, A.L. Erzinkyan, V.P. Parfenova, G.M. Gurevich, and J. Dupák, ’Low Temperature
Nuclear Orientation of Co in Dilute PtFe Alloys’, in: Physica B194-196,
177-78 (1994).
82. A. Metz, S. Frota- Pessôa,
J. Kapoor, D. Riegel, W.D. Brewer, and R. Zeller, ‘Substitutional and
Interstitial Fe in hcp-Ti, Zr, and Hf: Theory and Experiments’, in: Phys.
Rev. Lett. 71, 3525-3528 (1993).
81. J. Kapoor, A. Metz, D.
Riegel, R. Zeller, K.- D. Gross, P. Schwalbach, M. Hartick, E. Kankeleit, and
W.D. Brewer, ’Magnetism, Electronic Structure, and Lattice Sites of Fe Ions
Implanted into Yttrium’, in: Europhys. Lett. 24, 299-304
80. M. Trhlík, W.D. Brewer, J.
Kuriplach, B. Sedlák, and J. Dupák, ’Magnetic Behaviour of Tb Impurities in
Gd and Y Single Crystals: A Nuclear Orientation Study’, in: Hyp. Int.
78, 501-504 (1993).
79. A. Metz, K.-D. Gross, W.D.
Brewer, and D. Riegel, ’Static and Dynamic Interactions Between Fe Local
Moments in AuFe Alloys’, in: Proc. XXVI. Zakopane School on Physics,
Eds. Jan Stanek and Antoni T. Pedziwiatr (World Scientific, 1991), p. 363-366.
78. W.D. Brewer, ’Recent
Developments in Low-Temperature Nuclear Orientation’, in:
Rep. Progr.
Phys. 53, 438-548 (1990).
77. W.D. Brewer, ’Nuclear
Orientation and NMRON in Rare Earths’, in: Hyp. Int. 59,
201-217 (1990).
76. H. Marshak, W.D. Brewer,
and P. Roman, ‘Nuclear Orientation of 160Tb
in a Tb Single Crystal’, in: Phys. Rev. C40,
1759-1781 (1989).
75. W.D. Brewer, P. Roman, and
H. Marshak, ’Precision Nuclear Orientation Measurements for Determining
Mixed Magnetic Dipole/ Electric Quadrupole Hyperfine Interactions’, in: Hyp.
Int. 51, 1131 (1989).
74. M. Hoffmann, M. Böttcher,
and W.D. Brewer, ’Static and Dynamic Hyperfine Interactions of Mn and Co
Impurities in the Weak Ferromagnet ZrZn2’,
in: Hyp. Int. 51, 861 (1989).
73. M. Böttcher, W.D. Brewer,
and E. Klein, ’Fast Nuclear Relaxation in CoPd Alloys Studied by Nuclear
Orientation‒Fast Heating’, in: Hyp.
Int. 50, 799 (1989).
72. H. Marshak, P. Roman, and
W.D. Brewer, ’Magnetization of Single-Crystal Terbium at Very Low
Temperatures by Nuclear Orientation’ in: Hyp. Int. 50, 741
71. H. Marshak, W.D. Brewer,
and P. Roman, ’Nuclear Orientation of the Rare-Earth System 160TbTb(sc),
in: Hyp. Int. 43, 363 (1988).
70. W.D. Brewer, M. Böttcher,
M. Hoffmann, E. Klein, and P. Roman, ’Low Temperature Dynamics of
Local-Moment Systems Investigated by Thermal Cycling Methods’, in: Hyp.
Int. 43, 271 (1988).
69. W.D. Brewer, P. Roman, M.
Böttcher, B. Illerhaus, H. Marshak, K. Freitag, and P. Herzog, ‘NMR on
Oriented Rare-Earth Nuclei in Rare-Earth Hosts: Application to 160Tb
in Tb’, in: Phys. Rev. B38, 11019- 37 (1988).
68. T.A. Ferrett, D.W. Lindle,
P.A. Heimann, M.N. Piancastelli, P.H. Kobrin, H.G. Kerkhoff, U. Becker, W.D.
Brewer, and D.A. Shirley, ’Shape-Resonant and Many-Electron Effects in the S
2p Photoionization of SF6’,
in: J. Chem Phys. 89, 4726-4736 (1988).
67. H. Marshak, W.D. Brewer,
P. Roman, and M. Böttcher, ‘160TbTb(sc):
A New Absolute Nuclear Orientation Thermometer for Use in High Magnetic Fields’,
in: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26, Suppl. 26- 3, CQ14 (1987).
66. H. Marshak, W.D. Brewer,
P. Roman, E. Klein, K. Freitag, and P. Herzog, ‘Nuclear Double Resonance of 160Tb
Oriented at Low Temperatures’, in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 59,
1764 (1987).
65. T.A. Ferrett, D.W. Lindle,
P.A. Heimann, W.D. Brewer, U. Becker, H.G. Kerkhoff, and D.A. Shirley, ’Lithium
1s Main- line and Satellite Photoemission: Resonant and Nonresonant Behavior’,
in: Phys. Rev. A34, 3172 (1987).
64. J. Boysen, J. Grimm, A.
Kettschau, W.D. Brewer, and G.V.H. Wilson, ’Hyperfine Fields and Local Moment
Formation at 3d-series Impurities in Terbium’, in: Phys. Rev. B35,
1500 (1987).
63. A. Amato, A. Benôit, W.D.
Brewer, J. Flouquet, D. Jaccard, J. Schweizer, and E. Walker, ‘Investigation
of the Magnetic Correlations in CeCu6’,
in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 63- 64, 293 (1987).
62. G. Kalkowski, G. Kaindl,
W.D. Brewer, and W. Krone: ‘Near-Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure in
Uranium Compounds’, Phys. Rev. B35, 2667 (1987).
61. P. Roman, W.D. Brewer, E.
Klein, H. Marshak, K. Freitag, and P. Herzog, ’Magnetic Resonance of 160Tb
Oriented in a Terbium Single Crystal at Low Temperatures’,
in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1976 (1986).
60. J. Boysen, A. Heidari, and
W.D. Brewer, ’Local Moment Formation at Dilute Transition Impurities in
Ferromagnetic ZrFe2’, in: J.
Mag. Magn. Mat. 59, 15 (1986).
59. G. Kalkowski, G. Kaindl,
W.D. Brewer, and W. Krone, ’X-Ray Absorption by Uranium Systems at Various
Thresholds’, in: J. de Physique 47-C8, 943 (1986).
58. W.D. Brewer, Chapter 9, 'Nuclear
Orientation in Non-Magnetic Metals' (pp. 407-474), in: Low Temperature
Nuclear Orientation, Eds. N.J. Stone and H. Postma (North- Holland,
Amsterdam 1986).
57. W.D. Brewer and D.H. Chaplin,
Chapter 17, 'Cryogenic Techniques', (pp. 821-881), in: Low
Temperature Nuclear Orientation, Eds. N.J. Stone and H. Postma (North-
Holland, Amsterdam 1986).
56. G. Kalkowski, C.
Laubschat, W.D. Brewer, E.V. Sampathkuraman, M. Domke and G. Kaindl,’Nature
of Ce 4f Electronic States from 4d Excitations in Metals and Insulators’,
in: Phys. Rev. B32, 2717 (1985).
55. J.L. Jordan, J.F. Morar,
C. Hughes, R.A. Pollak, W.D. Brewer, and F.J. Himpsel, ’Photoemission and
Soft X-Ray Absorption Studies of the Polyimide-Metal Interaction’, in: Bull.
Am. Phys. Soc. 30, 601 (1985).
54. Jack Sugar, W.D. Brewer,
G. Kalkowski, G. Kaindl, and E. Paparazzo, ’Photoabsorption by the 3d Shell
in Ce, Pr, Ho, and Er: Observations and Calculations’, in: Phys. Rev.
A32, 2242 (1985).
53. P.A. Heimann, C.M.
Truesdale, H.G. Kerkhoff, D.W. Lindle, T.A. Ferrett, C.C. Bahr, W.D. Brewer, U.
Becker, and D.A. Shirley, ’Valence Photoelectron Satellites of Neon’,
in: Phys. Rev. A31, 2260 (1985).
52. W.D. Brewer, G. Kalkowski,
G. Kaindl, and F. Holtzberg, ’Intermediate Valence in TmxY1-
Using MV Absorption Spectroscopy’,
in: Phys. Rev. B32, 3676 (1985).
51. G. Kaindl, G. Kalkowski,
W.D. Brewer, E.V. Sampathkuraman, F. Holtzberg and A. Schach v. Wittenau, ’4f
Occupation and Hybridization from M-Shell Excitations in Rare-Earth Materials’,
in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 47-48, 181 (1985).
50. G. Kalkowski, W.D. Brewer,
G. Kaindl, and F. Holtzberg, ’Mean Valence from MV Excitations
in TmxY1-
xSe’, in:
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 47-48, 215 (1985).
49. G. Kaindl, G. Kalkowski,
W.D. Brewer, B. Perscheid, and F. Holtzberg, ‘M-Edge X-Ray Absorption
Spectroscopy of 4f Instabilities in Rare-Earth Systems’, in: J. Appl.
Phys. 55, 1910 (1984).
48. D.J. Trevor, J.E. Pollard,
W.D. Brewer, S.H. Southworth, C.M. Truesdale, D.A. Shirley, and Y.T. Lee, ’Photoionization
Mass Spectroscopy of Ne Dimers’, in: J. Chem. Phys. 80, 6083
47. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
K.D. Bures, A. Kettschau, E. Klein, M. Kopp, and G.V.H. Wilson, ‘Nuclear
Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Dilute V, Cr, and Mn in Iron at Very Low
Temperatures’, in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 43, 267 (1984).
46. G. Kaindl, W.D. Brewer, G.
Kalkowski, and F. Holtzberg, ‘M-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: A New
Tool for Dilute Mixed-Valent Materials’, in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 51,
2056 (1983).
45. W.D. Brewer, A. Kettschau, and E. Klein, ’Nuclear Spin Relaxation of
Dilute Mn in Cu, Ag, and Au’, in: Hyp.
Int. 15/16, 585 (1983).
44. D. Oertel, A. Kettschau,
W.D. Brewer, and L. Vanneste, ’Nuclear Quadrupole Alignment in Zn, Lu, and
Re and the Quadrupole Moments of 69mZn
and 177mLu’,
in: Z. Phys. A310, 233 (1983).
43. A. Kettschau, J. Boysen,
W.D. Brewer, and I.A. Campbell, ’Canted Ferromagnetism in PdMn and PdMnFe
Alloys’, in: J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 37, L1-L6 (1983).
42. M. Böttcher, W.D. Brewer,
and E. Klein, ’A Simple Method for the Stabilization of Scintillation
Detectors’, in: Nucl. Instr. Meth. 206, 177 (1983).
41. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
and A. Kettschau, ’Nuclear Orientation of thermally-prepared
114mInCu Alloys
by the Brute-Force Orientation Method’, in: Hyp.
Int. 13, 249 (1983).
40. J. Grimm, J. Boysen, W.D.
Brewer, and G.V.H. Wilson, ’Determination of Magnetisation Distributions in Ferromagnetic
Terbium and Dysprosium’, in: J. Phys. F13, 1931 (1983).
39. J. Boysen, A. Kettschau,
and W.D. Brewer, ’NMR of Extremely Dilute FeCr’, in: Phys.
Lett. 95A, 502 (1983).
38. S. Southworth, C.M.Truesdale, P.H. Kobrin, D.W. Lindle, W.D. Brewer, and D.A.
Shirley, ‘Photoionization Cross Sections and Photoelectron Asymmetries of
the Valence Orbitals of NO’, in: J. Chem. Phys. 76, 143
37. S.H. Southworth, W.D.
Brewer, C.M. Truesdale, P.H. Kobrin, D.W. Lindle, and D.A. Shirley, ’Photoelectron
Angular Distributions from H2 and
D2’, in: J. Electr. Spectr.
26, 43 (1982).
36. W.D. Brewer, ‘Recent
Developments in Radiative Detection of NMR’, in: Hyp. Int. 12,
173 (1982).
35. A. Heidari, J. Boysen, and
W.D. Brewer, ’Hyperfine Fields at Mn and Cr in ZrFe2’,
in: Hyp. Int. 9, 415 (1981).
34. J. Grimm, J. Boysen, W.D.
Brewer, and G.V.H. Wilson, ’Magnetization Behavior of Polycrystalline and
Single-Crystal Tb and the Impurity Hyperfine Interaction in Heavy Rare Earths’,
in: Hyp. Int. 10, 861 (1981).
33. D. Oertel and W.D. Brewer,
‘Multipolarity Admixtures in the First Forbidden (1‒ →
2+) Beta Decays
of 186Re and 188Re’,
in: Phys. Rev. C23, 2751 (1981).
32. K. Bures, W.D. Brewer, and
G.V.H. Wilson, ‘Nuclear Orientation of 48V
in Iron and Cobalt and Pulsed NMR of 48V
in Iron’, in: Hyp. Int. 8, 59 (1980).
31. J. Grimm, W.D. Brewer, and
G.V.H. Wilson, ’A Nuclear Orientation Study of Hyperfine Interactions in
Terbium’, in: J. de Physique 40C5, 58 (1979).
30. G.V.H. Wilson, K. Bures,
W.D. Brewer, and J. Boysen, ’New Applications of Nuclear Cooling in Nuclear
Orientation Studies’, in: J. de Physique 39C6, 1203 (1978).
29. A. Benôit, W.D. Brewer, J.
Flouquet, M. Ribault, J.L. Tholence, and E.F. Wassermann, ‘Nuclear
Orientation Experiments on Dilute Alloys of PtMn’, in: J. de
Physique 39C6, 920 (1978).
28. K. Bures, J. Boysen, W.D.
Brewer, and G.V.H. Wilson, ’Nuclear Orientation of 48V
in Fe and NMR of 48VFe’,
in: J. de Physique 39C6, 805 (1978).
27. J. Sanchez, J. Flouquet,
and W.D. Brewer, ’Nuclear Orientation of AgMn Alloys’, in: Hyp.
Int. 4, 415 (1978).
26. W.D. Brewer and G. Kaindl,
’Nuclear Quadrupole Alignment of Lu, In, and Zn’, in: Hyp. Int. 4,
576 (1978).
25. J. Boysen and W.D. Brewer,
’The Use of High-Purity Ge Diodes as Low Temperature Beta Particle Detectors’,
in: Nucl. Instr. Meth. 141, 483 (1977).
24. W.D. Brewer, ’Brute-Force
Nuclear Orientation: A Survey of Accomplishments and Problems to Date’, in:
J. Low Temp. Phys. 27, 651 (1977).
23. W.D. Brewer, ‘The
Hyperfine Field of Dilute Sc in Gd’, in: J. Phys. F7, 693
22. M. Kopp and W.D. Brewer, ’Nuclear-Resonance
Studies of 95NbFe’,
in: Hyp. Int. 3, 321 (1977).
21. W.D. Brewer and M. Kopp, ‘Applications
of Brute-Force Nuclear Orientation and NMR’, in: Hyp. Int. 2,
299 (1976).
20. W.D. Brewer and E.
Wehmeier, ’Hyperfine Fields at Dilute Transition-Element Impurities in Gd’,
Phys. Rev. B12,
4608 (1975).
19. J. Flouquet and W.D. Brewer,
’Hyperfine Interactions of Local Moments in Metals’, in: Physica
Scripta 11, 199 (1975).
18. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
and E. Klein, ’Nuclear Orientation of 60Co
in Concentrated AuCo Alloys’, in: Hyp. Int. 1, 55
17. W.D. Brewer, ‘Saturation
Behavior of Dilute Cr in Cu’, in: Phys. Lett. A49, 397
16. I.A. Campbell, W.D.
Brewer, J. Flouquet, A. Benôit, B.W. Marsden, and N.J. Stone, ‘Hyperfine
Fields and Magnetic Coupling in Gd Metal’, in: Solid State Comm. 15,
711 (1974).
15. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
and J. Flouquet, ’Hyperfine Interactions of 60Co
in Dilute AuCo’, in: J. de Phys. 35C1,
5 (1974).
14. R. Laurenz, E. Klein, and
W.D. Brewer, ’NMR Detected by Mössbauer Effect, Applied to the System 57CoFe’,
in: Z. Phys. 270, 233-237 (1974).
13. M. Ali, W.D. Brewer, E.
Klein, J. Flouquet, A. Benôit, O. Taurian, and J.C. Gallop, ‘Comparison of
Hyperfine Fields and Impurity Magnetization in Dilute PtCo Alloys’,
in: Phys. Rev. B10, 4659-4664 (1974).
12. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
and J. Flouquet, ’Nuclear Orientation of 60Co
in Dilute AuCo’, in: Solid State Comm. 12,
1095 (1973).
11. B.B. Triplett, N.E.
Phillips, T.L. Thorp, D.A. Shirley, and W.D. Brewer, ’Critical Field for
Super-conductivity and Low-Temperature Normal-State Heat Capacity of Tungsten’,
in: J. Low Temp. Phys. 12, 499 (1973).
10. F. Bacon, J.A. Barclay,
W.D. Brewer, D.A. Shirley, and J.E. Templeton, ’Temperature Independent
Relaxation Time in Metals at Very Low Temperatures’, in: Phys. Rev. B5,
2397 (1972).
9. T.L. Thorp, B.B Triplett,
W.D. Brewer, M.L. Cohen, N.E. Phillips, D.A. Shirley, J.E. Templeton, R.W.
Stark, and P.H. Schmidt, ‘Search for Superconductivity in Lithium and
Magnesium’, in: J. Low Temp. Phys. 3, 589 (1970).
8. W.D. Brewer and D.A.
Shirley, ’Beta-Particle and Gamma-Ray Angular Distributions from 186,188Re
and 194Ir Polarized
in Iron at Low Temperatures’, in: Nucl. Phys. A149,
392 (1970).
7. J.A. Barclay, W.D. Brewer,
R.J. Holliday, E. Matthias, and D.A. Shirley,
'Magnetic Hyperfine fields
and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Measured by Nuclear Orientation NMR', in: J.
Appl. Phys. 39, 1243 (1968).
6. W.D. Brewer, D.A. Shirley,
and J.E. Templeton, ’Low Temperature Departures from the Korringa
Approximation’, in: Phys. Lett. A27, 81 (1968).
5. W.D. Brewer and D.A.
Shirley, ’Parity Violation by Inner Bremsstrahlung from Polarized 119Sb,
Phys. Rev.
Lett. 20, 885 (1968).
4. J.A. Barclay, W.D. Brewer,
E. Matthias, and D.A. Shirley, 'Magnetic Hyperfine Field, Nuclear g-Factor,
and Spin-Lattice Relaxation of 125Sb
in Iron from NO/NMR', in: Hyperfine Interactions and
Nuclear Radiations, Eds. E. Matthias and D.A. Shirley (North- Holland,
1968), p. 902.
3. F.B. Baker, W.D. Brewer,
and T.W. Newton, ’The Two-Electron Oxidation of Vanadium(II)
by Thallium(III)’, in: Inorg. Chem.
5, 1294 (1966).
2. T.W. Koenig and W.D.
Brewer, ‘Deuterium Isotope Effects in the Decompositions of Acetyl Peroxide
and Two t-Butyl Peresters’, in: Tetrahedron Lett. 32, 2773
1. T.W. Koenig and W.D.
Brewer, ’The Thermal Decomposition of t-Butyl 2,5 dioxo-1-Pyrrolidine-performate,
in: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86, 2728 (1964).
Part II:
Conference Contributions, Reports and Abstracts
([*]: not published elsewhere)
74. Brewer, W.D., ‘Early
Days at the Physics Department – Eckart Matthias and Karl-Heinz Bennemann for their 90th Birthdays’. Lecture
given at a Festkolloquium of the FB Physik,
FUB, July 8th, 2022 [*]. [Brewer (2022c)]. See the url:
73. Brewer, W.D.; Kaindl, G.;
Kevan, S., eds.: ‘Memories of a Felicitous Life ‒ David
A. Shirley, 1934-2021‘. © 2021, The Editors. Memory Book
for the Shirley Family, June 2021 (unpubl. [*]). See the url:
[Brewer, Kaindl, Kevan,
eds. (2021)].
72. Brewer, W.D., ‘Scientific
Beginnings – From Low-Temperature Physics and Chemistry to Hyperfine
Interactions ‒ Early work of David A. Shirley and his Group‘. Lecture at the Symposium for
the 80th Birthday of David A. Shirley, FU Berlin and Magnus-Haus
Berlin, July 3./4., 2014. [*] See the url:
[Brewer (2014)].
71. Brewer, W.D., ‘Berlin
‒ The Return of Low-Temperature Physics‘, PTB-Seminar: ‘Physics and
Metrology at Very Low Temperatures‘, 13. December 2012,
Berlin-Charlottenburg. [*] See the url:
[Brewer (2012)].
70. Brewer, W.D., ‘Untersuchungen des
Grenzflächenmagnetismus mit Hilfe der Tieftemperatur-Kernorientierung‘, 233.
PTB-Seminar: ‘Physik und Metrologie bei tiefen Temperaturen‘ am 5./6.
Juni 2007, Berlin-Charlottenburg. [*]
69. Imielski, Przemyslaw; Brewer, William; Manzhur, Yuriy;
Potzger, Kay; Zeitz, Wolf, ‘Electronic Structure of Europium Impurities in
ZnO‘, in: Verh. der DPG (VI) 42 (2007), Abstr. HL 45.5. [*]
68. Brewer, W.D., ‘Exchange-Bias und die Magnetisierungsumkehr-Prozesse
in ultradünnen Co/CoO-Bilagen, beobachtet mit Hilfe von mikroskopischen
Methoden‘, bei der Tagung ‘Oberflächen-technologien und Mikrosysteme‘
am 5. und 6. Oktober 2006 an der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau.
67. Imielski, P.M.; Manzhur, Y.; Schubert, J.; Brewer, W.D.;
Zeitz, W.-D.; Prandolini, M.J., ’Determination of the directions of the
induced moments at Cd probes on Ni surface sites’, in: Verh. der DPG
(VI) 41 (2006), Abstr. MA 20.165.
66. H.Wende, W. D. Brewer, A. Scherz, C. Sorg, K. Baberschke,
P. Bencok, S. Frota-Pessôa, ’Direct Observation of Orbital Magnetism in
Cubic Solids‘, in: Verh. der DPG (VI) 40, (2) (2005), p. 352.
65. M. J. Prandolini, R. Kirsch, M. Gierlings, M. Gruyters,
WD. Brewer, and D. Riegel, ’Noncollinear magnetism of
topological frustrated spins on a triangular lattice’, XII Int. Conf. on
Hyperfine Interactions, Bonn 2004 [*] (see
64. W.D. Brewer, ’Recent
Work of the Berlin Nuclear Orientation Group’ (invited paper), International
Meeting on Nuclear Orientation, Vancouver, Canada, 8.-10.08.2001.
63. M. Gierlings, M.J.
Prandolini, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, D. Riegel, ’Observation of Asymmetry
in the Magnetisation Reversal Process measured on both Au and Co in a CoO/Au/Co
Exchange Bias System’, 4th Intl. Conf. on Metallic
Multilayers, Aachen, Germany, June 2001.
62. M. Gierlings, M.J.
Prandolini, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, D. Riegel, ’A study of the induced
nuclear spin polarisation of the Au and Co in CoO/Au/CoO trilayer systems’, 4th
Intl. Conf. on Metallic Multilayers, Aachen, Germany, June 2001.
61. R. Kirsch, O. Beutler, T.
Funk, M. Gierlings, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, M.J. Prandolini, D. Riegel, ’Magnetic
coupling of dilute Fe probe atoms to V neighbors in AuV alloys studied by TDPAD’,
XII. International Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Park City,
60. M.J. Prandolini, M.
Gierlings, M. Gruyters, W.D. Brewer, D. Riegel, ‘Non-collinear magnetic
hyperfine fields in the Au spacer measured at the interfaces between Co/Au/Co,
CoO/Au/Co and CoO/Au/CoO using low-temperature nuclear Orientation’, XII.
International Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Park City, UT/USA,
59. A.D. Alvarenga, F. Garcia,
W.D. Brewer, M. Gruyters, M. Gierlings, M. Reis, P. Panissod, L.C. Sampaio, and
A.P. Guimarães, ’A depth profile XMCD study of Au/CoO/Co’,
Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS01), Grenoble, France,
58. Brewer, W.D., Funk, T.,
Kapoor, J, Kirsch, R., Metz, A., Riegel, D., ’Experiments on the Magnetism
of Sc Implanted into Metals’ (invited lecture), Conf. on Nuclear Methods
in Magnetism NMM2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4.08.00.
57. Funk, T., Kirsch, R.,
Brewer, W.D., Beutler, O, Gruyters, M., Riegel, D., ’Implantation and
Magnetism of Fe into Group Iib, IIIa, and IVa Host Metals with In-Beam-TDPAD’,
Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism NMM2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
2-4.08.00 [*].
56. Prandolini M.J., Gierlings
M.; Gruyters M.; Brewer W.D.; Riegel D., ’Exchange Bias Effect in Co/Au/CoO
Multilayers’, User Meeting of the EU Bayreuth Low Temperature Facility
and Symposium of the DFG Research Group “Transport Phenomena in
Superconductors and Superfluids“, Regensburg
55. Prandolini, M.J.,
Gierlings, M., Gruyters, M., Brewer, W.D., Riegel, D., ’Measurements of Au
Hyperfine Fields Studied at the Interface between CoO/Au and Co/Au using low
temperature Nuclear Orientation’, Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism
NMM2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4.08.00.
54. Beutler, O., Kirsch, R..,
Gruyters, M., Riegel, D., Brewer, W.D., Funk, T., ’Interstitial Magnetism
and Site Occupation of Fe and Mo Ions in Metallic Hosts’, Conf. on
Nuclear Methods in Magnetism NMM2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4.08.00.
53. Gierlings, M., Prandolini,
M.J., Gruyters, M., Funk, T., Klein, E., Brewer, W.D., Riegel, D., ’Coupling
between Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Films across Metallic (nonmagnetic)
Spacers Studied by Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation’, 16th
Intl. Colloquium
on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, (ICMFS), Natal, Brazil, 13- 18.08.2000.
52. Brewer, W.D., Gruyters, M., ‘Magnetismus in
Schichtsystemen und Verdünnten Legierungen‘, Vollversammlung des
BMBF-Verbundes 04, FZ Jülich, 14.-15.02.00.
51. T. Funk, W.D. Brewer, and
E. Klein, 'Review of Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates of Dilute 3d Impurities
in Fe in Comparison with the newly-determined
Relaxation Rate of Sc in Fe', 22nd Internat.
Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (Helsinki, August 4-11, 1999), Abstract
5S13, p. 110.
50. Prandolini,
M.J., Phalet, T., Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De
Moor, P., Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P., Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A.,
Vanneste, L., Vereecke, B, Versyck, S., 'Measurement of Hyperfine Fields in
Fe/Ag Multilayers Using Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation', 22nd Internat. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (Helsinki,
August 4-11, 1999), Abstract 5S14, p. 110.
49. T. Funk, D. Riegel, W.D. Brewer, 'Nuclear Spin-Lattice
Relaxation in Fe Host: the Case of ScFe', Hahn-Meitner-Institut,
Bereich Festkörperphysik/ISL, Jahresbericht 1998, ISSN 1437- 1464,
88-89 (1999).
48. Prandolini, M.J., Phalet, T., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P.,
Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P., Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A., Vanneste, L., Vereecke,
B, Versyck, S., Brewer, W.D., 'Nuclear Orientation Studies of Ag Hyperfine
Fields in Fe/Ag Multilayers', Conf. on Thin Films and Multilayers
(ICMFS), Vancouver, Juni 1998.
47. Phalet, T., Prandolini,
M.J., Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P., Severijns, N., Schuurmans, P.,
Turrell, B.G., Van Geert, A., Vanneste, L., Vereecke, B, Versyck, S., 'A
Study of the Induced Magnetic Hyperfine Fields in Fe/Ag Multilayers' XI.
International Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998.
46. Funk, T., Brewer, W.D.,
Klein, E., Chaplin, D.H., Harker, S.J., Hutchison, W.D., 'Nuclear
spin-lattice relaxation rate of concentrated 57Fe measured with the
thermometrically-detected TCON method', XI. International Conf. on
Hyperfine Interactions, Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998.
45. Funk, T., Andres, J.,
Beutler, O., Brewer, W.D., Kapoor, J., Riegel, D., 'Magnetic Properties and
Lattice Site Occupation of Fe- and Mo-Ions in Ba and Eu', XI.
International Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998. [*]
44. Riegel, D., Kapoor, J., Yi
Li, Beutler, O., Brewer, W.D., Funk, T., Frota-Pessôa, S., 'Site Occupation,
Magnetic Behavior, and Electronic Structure of Implanted Fe Probes at Different
Lattice Sites in Metals', XI. International Conf. on Hyperfine
Interactions, Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998.
43. Beutler, O., Funk, T.,
Brewer, W.D., Riegel, D., 'Local Observation of Magnetic Interactions of Fe
Ions in Spin Glasses', XI. International Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions,
Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998.
42. Beutler, O., Funk, T.,
Brewer, W.D., Kapoor, J., Riegel, D., 'Local Environment Effects on the
Magnetism of Fe in Nonmagnetic Binary Alloys', XI. International Conf. on Hyperfine
Durban, SA, 23.-27.08.1998. [*]
41. Brewer, W.D., Gruyters, M., Funk, T., Andres, J., Kapoor,
J., Riegel, D., 'Magnetismus in dünnen Filmen und verdünnten Legierungen',
Vollversammlung Verbund IV, Erforschung kondensierter Materie (BMBF-
Verbundforschung), Berlin-Schmöckwitz, (1998).
40. Beutler, O., Funk, T., Andres, J., Kapoor, J., Riegel,
D., Brewer, W.D., 'Lokale Umgebungseffekte und der Magnetismus von Fe in
Edelmetall-Legierungen und Spingläsern', Proc. Arbeitstreffen 'Forschung
mit nuklearen Sonden und Ionenstrahlen', Ed. T. Butz, Leipzig (1998) [*].
39. Tobias Funk, Eberhard Beck, William D. Brewer, and Erwin
Klein, 'Übersicht über die Kernspin-Gitter-Relaxationsraten von
Übergangsmetallen in Fe', Verh. der DPG (VI) 33, 801 (1998).
38. Vanneste, L., Phalet, T.,
Brewer, W.D., Dekoster, J., De Moor, P., Schuurmans, P., Severijns, N., Trhlík,
M., Van Geert, A., Vereecke, `Nuclear Orientation and MBE Prepared Films:
First Case Study`, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism
(NMM97), Canberra, Australia, July 1997 (Conference Handbook, p. MM2) [*].
37. Titia Phalet, Leuven Univ,
Institut voor Kern-en Stralingsfysica, Leuven, BELGIUM; J. Dekoster, P. De
Moor, P. Schuurmans, N. Severijns, M. Trhlik, A. Van Geert, L. Vanneste, B.
Vereecke, W. D. Brewer, ’Study of Perpendicular Induced Magnetic Moments in the
Ag of Ag/Fe Multilayers’, MRS 1997 Spring Meeting, San Francisco,
Abstract M12.4
36. Kapoor, J./Andres, J./Mezei,
F./Yi Li/Polaczyk, C./Riegel, D./Brewer, W.D./Beck, E./Legoas,
L.A./Frota-Pessôa, S., ’Magnetic Behavior of Fe Impurities in Tc and Re
and its Relevance to the General Problem of the Magnetism of Fe in d-Band Metal
Hosts’, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Jahresbericht
1996, Bereich Festkörperphysik,
HMI-Bericht B546, 74-75 (1997).
35. Beutler, O./Andres, J./Kapoor, J./Yi Li/Polaczyk,
C./Riegel, D./Brewer, W.D., ‘Lokale Umgebungs-effekte auf den Magnetismus von
Fe in AgPd-Legierungen‘, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Jahresbericht 1996,
Bereich Festkörperphysik, HMI-Bericht B546, 76-77 (1997).
34. Beutler, O./Andres, J./Kapoor, J./Yi Li/Polaczyk,
C./Riegel, D./Brewer, W.D., ‘Local Observation of Magnetic Interactions of Fe
Ions in Spin Glasses‘, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Jahresbericht 1996,
Bereich Festkörperphysik, HMI-Bericht B546, 78-79 (1997).
33. Brewer, W.D./Beck, E./Klein, E./Riegel, D., ‚Spin-Lattice
Relaxation of nd Impurities in Fe‘, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Jahresbericht
1996, Bereich Festkörperphysik, HMI-Bericht B546, 82-83 (1997).
32. Beck, E., Brewer, W.D., Funk, T., Bobek, C., Klein, E.,
'Kernspin-Gitter Relaxation von Os in Fe', Verh. der DPG (VI) 31,
1643 (1996).
31. Joachim Andres, Jivan
Kapoor, Olaf Beutler, Albert Metz, Yi Li, Christoph Polaczyk, Dietmar Riegel,
and William D. Brewer, `Local Environment Effects on the Magnetism of Fe in
Spin Glass Systems and in Nonmagnetic Binary Alloys`, Proc. 1st
European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Interlaken, Switzerland (1996) [*].
30. J. Kapoor, J. Andres, F.
Mezei, Yi Li, C. Polaczyk, D. Riegel, W.D. Brewer, E. Beck, 'Magnetism of Fe
Ions in Y, Zr, Tc, and Re, and in Transition Metal Hosts in General', Proc.
1st European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Interlaken,
Switzerland (1996).
29. J. Kapoor, J. Andres, Yi
Li, A. Metz, D. Riegel, and W.D. Brewer, `Observation of Magnetism and Kondo
Effect for Sc Ions in Metallic Hosts`, 10th Intl. Conf. on
Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven (1995) (Book of Abstracts, p. O6).
28. E. Beck, C. Bobek, W.D.
Brewer, T. Funk, and E. Klein, 'Systematics of the Nuclear Spin-Lattice
Relaxation of 5d Impurities in Fe', Xth
Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven (1995) (Book of Abstracts, p.
27. J. Andres, J. Kapoor, Yi
Li, A. Metz, C. Polaczyk, D. Riegel, and W.D. Brewer, `Local Observation of
Magnetic Interactions of Fe and Ru Ions in Alloys`, Xth
Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven (1995) (Book of Abstracts, p.
P15) [*].
26. J. Kapoor, J. Andres, Yi
Li, A. Metz, C. Polaczyk, D. Riegel, and W.D. Brewer, `Magnetism and Electronic
Structure of Substitutional and Interstitial Fe and Mo Ions in Metals`, Xth Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine
Interactions, Leuven (1995) (Book of Abstracts, p. P14).
25. J. Kapoor, A. Metz, Yi Li, D. Riegel, W.D. Brewer,
`Kondoeffekt und Gitterplatz für Sc-Atome implantiert in Alkalimetalle`, Verh.
der DPG (VI) 29, 1227 (1994).
24. A. Metz, S. Frota- Pessôa, J. Kapoor, D. Riegel, W.D.
Brewer, and R. Zeller, `Substitutional and Interstitial Fe in hcp-Ti,
Zr, and Hf: Theory and Experiments`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 29, 1274
23. J. Kapoor, A. Metz, W.D. Brewer, S. Hauf, K.- D. Gross,
and D. Riegel, `Beobachtung Magnetischer Sc-Ionen in Metallen`, Verh. der
DPG (VI) 27, 667 (1992).
22. A. Metz, J. Kapoor, W.D.
Brewer, S. Hauf, K.-D. Gross, and D. Riegel, `Lattice Sites and Local Magnetism
of Implanted Fe Atoms in Metals`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 27, 719
21. A. Metz, J. Kapoor, W.D.
Brewer, S. Hauf, and D. Riegel, `Observation of a New Local Moment System: Mo
in Ba’, Verh. der DPG (VI) 27, 667 (1992) [*].
20. W. Brewer, K.- D. Gross, J. Kapoor, A. Metz, S.N. Mishra,
and D. Riegel, `Magnetisches Verhalten Isolierter Fe-Ionen in Zn, Cd, Hg, und
Yb`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 26, 1235 (1991).
19. A. Metz, K.-D. Gross, W.D.
Brewer, and D. Riegel, `Static and Dynamic Interactions Between Fe Local
Moments in AuFe Alloys`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 26, 1235
18. W.D. Brewer, `Nuclear
Orientation of Rare-Earth Materials´ (invited lecture), IXth
Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Prague, 1989).
17. V.A. Biebesheimer, G.
Kalkowski, G. Kaindl, and W.D. Brewer, `X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Mg
K-Edge in MgO`, Proc. 5th Gen. Conf. of the Condensed Matter Div.,
EPS, Berlin 1985, Europhys. Conf. Abstr. 9A, PFr-4-064 (1985) [*].
16. W.D. Brewer, G. Kalkowski,
G. Kaindl, and F. Holtzberg, `Mean Valence from MV Excitations
in TmxY1- xSe`,
Proc. 11th SSRL Users' Conference (Stanford, 1984), p. 39.
15. G. Kaindl, G. Kalkowski,
W.D. Brewer, E.V. Sampathkuraman, F. Holtzberg and A. Schach v. Wittenau, `4f
Occupation and Hybridization from M-Shell Excitations in Rare-Earth
Materials`, Proc. 10th SSRL Users' Conference (Stanford,
1983), p. I- 1.
14. D.J. Trevor, J.E. Pollard,
W.D. Brewer, S.H. Southworth, C. Truesdale, D.A. Shirley, and Y.T. Lee,
`Photoionization Mass Spectrometry of Ne2 and
of He Clusters`, Proc. VI Intl. Conf. on VUV Spectro-scopy
(1980), Vol. II, p. 65 [*].
13. J. Grimm, J. Boysen, W.D.
Brewer, and G.V.H. Wilson, `Magnetization Behavior of Tb Studied by Nuclear
Orientation`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 15, 273 (1980).
12. W.D. Brewer, `Recent
Developments in Radiative Detection of NMR`, XVII Winter School on Physics,
Bielsko-Biala, Poland (1979), p. 271.
11. A. Heidari, J. Boysen, and
W.D. Brewer, `Hyperfine Fields at Cr and Mn Impurities in ZrFe2`, Verh.
der DPG (VI) 14, 420 (1979).
10. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer,
and G.V.H. Wilson, `A Nuclear Orientation Study of the Weak Hyperfine
Interaction of 51Cr in Iron`, Verh. der DPG (VI) 14,
420 (1979).
9. J. Grimm, W.D. Brewer, and
G.V.H. Wilson, `A Nuclear Orientation Study of Hyperfine Interactions in
Terbium´, Colloque International du C.N.R.S. La Physique des Terres Rares à
l'Etat Métallique / Physics of Metallic Rare-Earths, St. Pierre en
Chartreuse, France, Aug. 1978.
8. M. Kopp and W.D. Brewer,
`Brute-Force Nuclear Orientation´, Meeting on Hyperfine Interactions,
Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 1975.
7. M. Kopp and W.D. Brewer,
`NMR and Adiabatic Passage on 95Nb Oriented in Fe at Low
Temperatures`, Proc. 14th Intl. Conf. on Low Temp. Physics,
Helsinki (1975), Vol. IV, p. 62.
6. J. Flouquet and W.D.
Brewer, `Hyperfine Interactions of Local Moments in Metals´ (invited lecture), III.
Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions, Uppsala, Sweden (1974).
5. U. Scholtze, E. Klein, and
W.D. Brewer, `Nuclear Orientation of 103mRhFe`, III. Intl.
Conf. on Hyper-fine Interactions, eds. R. Wäppling and E. Karlsson,
Uppsala, Sweden (1974), Abstracts, p. 110 [*].
4. J. Boysen, W.D. Brewer, and
J. Flouquet, `Comments on Nuclear Orientation Experiments in Dilute AuCo
Alloys: Comparison with NMR and Magnetisation Measurements´, Colloque sur
les interactions hyperfines détectées
par rayonnements nucléaires,
Liège, Belgium (1973).
3. W.D. Brewer, E. Klein, B.
Rosenthal, and P. Steiner, `Applications of Gamma-Ray Thermometry at Very Low
Temperatures`, Proc. IVth Intl. Conf.
on Cryogenic Engineering, Eindhoven, Holland (1972), p. 155 [*].
2. J.A. Barclay, W.D. Brewer,
E. Matthias, and D.A. Shirley, 'Magnetic Hyperfine Field, Nuclear g-Factor,
and Spin-Lattice Relaxation of 125Sb in Iron from NO/NMR', (1st)
Intl. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nuclear Radiation,
Asilomar, CA, Aug. 1967.
1. T.W. Koenig and W.D.
Brewer: The Thermal Decomposition of t-Butyl 2,5 dioxo-1-Pyrrolidine-performate,
Regional Conf. of the Amer. Chem. Soc., Spokane, WA, June 1964.
Part III:
W.D. Brewer: 'Alpha Secondary Deuterium Kinetic Effects in the Thermal
Decomposition of Diacetyl Peroxide and two t-Butyl Peresters', Honors
Thesis, University of Oregon, 1965 (unpublished).
ii. W.D. Brewer: 'Weak
Interactions Studies using Nuclear Orientation', PhD Thesis, UC Berkeley,
1970, (UCRL Rep. 19533, unpublished).
iii. W.D. Brewer: 'Anwendungen der Kernorientierung', Habilitationsschrift,
FU Berlin, 1975 (unpublished).
Part IV:
1. 'Composition and coating to
prevent current-induced electro-chemical dendrite formation between conductors
on dielectric substrate' (US Nr. 91100743.3-); W.D. Brewer, R.R. Horton, I.C.
Noyan, and M.J. Palmer (9.02.1990).
2. 'Electro-optical
connectors' (US Nr. 91108666.8-); M.F. Bregman, W.D. Brewer, M.S. Cohen, G.W.
Johnson, I.C. Noyan, M.M. Oprysko, M.B. Ritter, D.L. Rogers, and J.M. Trewhella
Part V:
from German
to English of the following scientific works:
Essays and Correspondence of Albert Einstein, 1928-31. Translations
from German and French to English, editorial work. Einstein Papers Project,
Caltech, 2017-2023 (Vols. 15, 16, 17 of the CPAE).
21. Marcel Grossmann - For
the Love of Mathematics (261 pages); Claudia Graf-Grossmann (Epilogue by
Tilman Sauer). (Springer-Verlag,
Springer Biographies series, Berlin, Heidelberg; June 2018, as print volume and
e-book). ISBN: 978-3-319-90076-6.
20. The Philosophy of Quantum Physics (335 pages);
Cord Friebe, Meinard Kuhlmann, Holger Lyre, Paul M. Nager, Oliver Passon and
Manfred Stockler. Series: The Frontiers Collection (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg; July 2018, as print volume and e-book). ISBN:
19. Pohl's Introduction to
Physics. Vol. 2: Electromagnetism and Optics (550 pages)
(Pohl, Robert O. / Luders, Klaus, eds.) (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg; February 2018, as print volume and e-book). ISBN:
18. Pohl's Introduction to
Physics. Vol. 1: Mechanics, Acoustics and Thermodynamics (450 pages)
(Pohl, Robert O. / Luders, Klaus, eds.) . (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
July 2017, as print volume and e-book). ISBN: 978-3-319-40044-0.
17. The Unknown as an
Engine of Science (Hans J. Pirner: Series: The Frontiers Collection, 146
pages). (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg; July 2015). ISBN 978-3-319-18508-8.
16. Regensburger Verbundkatalog, Themenbereiche Physik,
Chemie & Pharmazie, Mathematik: Stichwortkataloge (December 2013).
15. Quantum Mechanics for
Pedestrians, Band 1 (Fundamentals), Band 2 (Applications and
Extensions) (Jochen Pade: Lehrbuch, Undergraduate
Lecture Notes in Physics, 934 Seiten). ISBN: 978-3-319-00797-7 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg;
October 2013 – vollständige redaktionelle Bearbeitung).
14. Renewable Energy: Sustainable Concepts for the Energy
Change, Second Edition (Wengenmayr, Roland / Bührke, Thomas, eds.; 164
Seiten). ISBN: 978-3527-411870 (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, Weinheim;
April 2013).
13. Large-Scale Solar
Thermal Power. (Werner
Vogel / Henry Kalb; Sachbuch, 466 Seiten). ISBN: 3-527-40515-1 (Wiley-VCH,
Berlin, Weinheim, April 2010).
12. Fundamentals of Many-body Physics (Nolting,
Wolfgang; Lehrbuch, 602 Seiten). ISBN: 978-3-540-71930-4 (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg; March 2009).
11. Renewable Energy (Wengenmayr, Roland / Bührke,
Thomas, eds.; Sachbuch) ISBN-10: 3-527-40804-5, ISBN-13: 978-3-527-40804-7
(Wiley-VCH, Berlin, Weinheim; February 2008).
10. Entangled Systems: New Directions in Quantum Physics (Audretsch,
Jürgen; Lehrbuch, 338 Seiten). ISBN: 978-3-527-40684-5 (Wiley-VCH, Berlin,
Weinheim; March 2007).
9. Organic Molecular Solids (Schwoerer, Markus / Wolf,
Hans Christoph; Lehrbuch, 427 Seiten). ISBN-10: 3-527-40540-2, ISBN-13:
978-3-527-40540-4, 2007 (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, Weinheim; December 2006).
7. Statistical Mechanics (F. Schwabl; Lehrbuch, 577
Seiten). ISBN 3-540-43163-2 (Springer-Verlag, 2002; Second Edition 2006).
5. Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry (A.F. Holleman, E. Wiberg, N. Wiberg). ISBN 0-12-352651-5
(Academic Press/W. de Gruyter 2001), with M.L. Eagleson.
4.,8. Molecular Physics and
the Elements of Quantum Chemistry (H. Haken & H.C. Wolf;
Lehrbuch, 592 Seiten). ISBN 3-540-40972-8 (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg; 1995, 2004).
3.,6. The New Cosmos (A. Unsöld & B. Baschek;
Lehrbuch, 571 Seiten).ISBN 3-540-67877-8 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
1991, 2001).
2. The Quantum Statistics of Dynamic Processes (E.
Fick & G. Sauermann; Sachbuch, 395 Seiten). ISBN 3-540-50824-4
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1990).
1. The Physics of Atoms and
Quanta (H. Haken & H.C. Wolf; Lehrbuch, 503
Seiten). ISBN 3-540-67274-5
(Springer-Verlag 1984, 1987, 1993, 1996, Sixth Edition 2000).