E. Acknowledgments
Parts of fsc2
has been written while I was working in the
groups of Prof. Th. Prisner (J.-W.-Goethe-Universität,
Frankfurt/Main) and Prof. K. Möbius (Freie Universität
Berlin). Both where so kind to allow me to spend quite some amount of
time on it. Prof. R. Bittl and Prof. D. Stehlik (FU Berlin),
Prof. H.-J. Steinhoff (Universtät Osnabrück), Prof. P.
Hildebrandt (Technische Universität Berlin), Prof. G. Gescheidt
(Universität Basel, Switzerland/Technische Universität Graz,
Austria), Prof. J. Schmidt and Prof. E. Groenen (Universiteit
Leiden, Netherlands), Prof. W. Lubitz (MPI Mühlheim)), Dr. A.
Schnegg (HMI Berlin) and Prof. J. Behrends (FU Berlin) supported
the development by employing me to extend and improve the program and
write further device modules.
Special thanks go to Anton Savitsky (FU Berlin/MPI Mühlheim) for
writing the modules for the Thurlby 330 and F.u.E. Elektronik
MCN 700-2000 power supplies, Sergey Veber (International
Tomography Center, Novosibirsk), who wrote the the module for the
Schlumberger 7510 multimeter, Clinton Jermaine McCrowey
(California State University, Northridge) for contributing the module
for the Newport Oriel Matrix Spectrometer, Ivo Alxneit (Paul Scherrer
Institute, Villingen, Switzerland) for writing the module for the
SpectraPro-275 monochromator and Christoph Oelmüller (FU Berlin),
who wrote the EDL
mode for vim
All the people using the program so far have from time to time been
(mis)used as alpha-testers. The first one accepting this unpleasant
role has been Axel Weber in Frankfurt/Main, who already dealt with the
bugs and shortcomings of the very first version (when the program was
still named fsc
and the f
stood for Frankfurt). Later
also Burkhard Endeward, now in Thomas Prisner's group in Frankfurt,
had to deal with it. Then, at the FU Berlin, Stefan Weber, Chris W.
M. Kay, Gerriet Eilers, Andreas Kuppig, Heike Mögling, Michael
Fuhs, Anton Savitsky, Alexander Schnegg, Radek Kowalczyk, Martin
Fuchs, Celine Elsässer, Marc Brecht, Hauke Studier, Jana Nieder,
Irina Karyagina, Christian Teutloff, Ringo Wenzel and Rolf Simon
Schoenfeld took over. Iwo Gatlik, Tomasz Motylewski, Daniela Hristova
(Basel/TU Graz), Huib Block, Peter Gast and Silvia Sottini (Leiden,
Netherlands), Clinton McCrowey and Jussi Eloranta (Cal State
Northridge, USA). (There are some more people that have used the
program and that I may have forgotten - please complain to me if I
did.) I would like to thank them not only for the constant stream of
bug reports and proposals for improvements or new features (and I
sometimes needed quite a bit of convincing even though they where
right) but especially for their enduring patience. Much too often,
when they had to do an important experiment, things didn't work and
they had to wait until I got it fixed. Lots of thanks to all of them!
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