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5. Built-in Functions

In this chapter all functions built into fsc2 are discussed in detail. These functions are available even when no device modules have been specified in the DEVICES section (or this section is missing). Many functions can be used in the VARIABLES, PREPARATIONS as well as the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script, but there are some that can be used only either before the EXPERIMENT section starts or within the EXPERIMENT section.

The built-in functions can be roughly divided into four classes. The first class of functions are functions for drawing the measured data onto the screen, i.e. the main area of the display window (including functions for changing the axis scaling and labels etc.), functions for dealing with the output of the script, either by writing text to the browser in the lower half of the main window or by writing data etc. into files (including functions for specifying the files to be used).

The second class of functions are interaction functions, functions that allow to deal with additional graphical objects like buttons, sliders and in- and output fields. These functions control the creation, setting, query and deletion of these objects (all of them can be used only during the EXPERIMENT section).

The third class of functions are mathematical functions that one would expect to find in most programming languages like (i.e. trigonometric functions, logarithms etc.).

Finally, the fourth class are auxiliary functions that can't be assigned to one of the other classes and consists of functions for dealing with time or date issues, conversion between different units or for determining the sizes of arrays and several more.

Please note that all functions, built-in functions as well as device functions (discussed in the next chapter), always return a value, even if the return value sometimes doesn't make too much sense.

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