D. EDL Mode for Emacs and VIM
There exists an emacs mode for editing EDL
scripts. It
currently does indentation and syntax highlighting.
To automatically have emacs switch to EDL
mode whenever you load a
file with the extension edl
you need to add the following lines
to the `.emacs' file in your home directory:
(autoload 'edl-mode "edl-mod.elc" "edl-mod.el -- editing EDL files with Emacs") (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.edl\\'" 'edl-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) |
mode for vim was written by Christoph Oelmüller
<oelmu@physik.fu-berlin.de>, who was so kind to allow me to
distribute it together with fsc2
To automatically load EDL
mode under vim put a file named
`filetyp.vim' in the `.vim' subdirectory in your home directory,
containing the following lines:
if exists("did_load_filetypes") finish endif " add EDL filetype augroup filetypedetect au BufNewFile,BufRead *.edl setfiletype edl augroup END |
(or append the necessay lines if such a file already exists).
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.