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6.12 Boxcar Integrator Functions

Currently there is only rudimentary support for one type of boxcar integrator:


EG&G PARC 4402

To use the module in an experiment put its name into the DEVICES section of the EDL script.

List of boxcar functions:


Descriptions of boxcar functions:

All functions for the boxcar integrator can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of the EDL script.


Returns a string with the name of the boxcar integrator being used.


Returns an integer variable with the length of curves to be sent by the boxcar integrator.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


Fetches a curve from the boxcar integrator. Two first argument is either a number, either 0 for a live curve or 1 for a memory curve, or one of the strings "LC", "LIVECURVE", "LIVE_CURVE or "MC", "MEMORYCURVE" or "MEMORY_CURVE". The second argument must be an integer specifying the curve number, it must be 1 or 2 for live curves and between 1 and 3 for memory curves.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


Function starts a new acquisition.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


Function stops a running acquisition.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


The function expects either one or two arguments, the number of one or two live curves (i.e. either 1 or 2). The function starts an acquisition and immediately stops the acquisition again when the dirst data point has been measured. When only one curve was specified as the argument the function returns the value of this data point. If there were two arguments, the function returns an array with two elements, containing the two data points from the specified live curves.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.

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