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A.4 Compiling and Installation

Now you're ready to go into the main directory of the package and type make. This may take some time to finish. In a perfect world no compiler warnings would show up even with lots of checks enabled. Unfortunately, this can't be always achieved. Use of different versions of the C library, the tools that are used to automatically create some of the source code as well as not 100% clean external header files not under may control makes achieving this goal impossible. Further warnings may occur when the documentation is created and some of the required tools are not available. It may even happen that the make process stops with an error message during this stage (i.e. while making the documentation). This does not mean that the program didn't compile successfully but only that parts of the documentation could not be created.

Don't try to invoke make from one of the subdirectories. While in some cases this might work, i.e. things in the subdirectory will be created, in most cases it won't even work that far.

If you get more than a few warnings (about problems with fsc2, not header files included by fsc2) during the compilation stage of the program or if the make process fails completely please send me an email with the output of make. You can save the output of make to a file, e.g. `makelog', by running make with the command line

make > makelog 2>&1

if you're using the Bourne or Korn shell (sh or ksh) or bash. Use

make >& makelog

if you use the C shell (csh) or tcsh.

When the compilation of the program succeeds (even though building the documentation failed at some stage), you can now install the program with the command

make install

Normally you will need root privileges to do this. If making the documentation failed with an error also its installation will fail, but that's not something to worry too much about...

If you want to you can also try to test your built of fsc2 before installation by running

make test

This will make fsc2 run a set of EDL scripts that (hopefully) test most of its built-in functions at least once. Be prepared for lots of windows popping up during the test run, displaying some rather strange graphics. Normally the test should run without any errors, otherwise you probably should contact me and complain. All these tests don't access any of the devices, writing a test suite for the supported devices is still on my to-do list.

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This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.