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9.6 Time-resolved EPR script

The next script is one that has already been used extensively in experiments, so it's not just an example but for real. The field is swept over a certain field range and at each field point after a laser flash a trace is fetched from the digitizer (or, to be precise, after a certain number of traces has been averaged), which is then displayed and written to a file.

 3 er035m_s;          // gaussmeter
 4 aeg_x_band;        // magnet
 5 tds754a;           // digitizer
10 start_field = 3300 G;
11 end_field   = 3500 G;
12 field_step  = 1 G;
13 Num_avg = 10;
15 field = start_field;
16 N = int( abs( ( end_field - start_field ) / field_step ) ) + 1;
17 I;
18 curve[ * ];
19 Rec_len;
20 trig_pos;
21 File;
22 Pretrigger;
23 background = 0.0;
28 init_2d( 2, 0, N, 0, 1, start_field, field_step, "Time [us]",
29          "Field [G]", "Signal [mV] " );
30 magnet_setup( start_field, field_step );
31 digitizer_num_averages( Num_avg );
32 digitizer_trigger_channel( AUX );
37 Rec_len   = digitizer_record_length( );
38 trig_pos  = digitizer_trigger_position( 0.1 );
39 time_res  = digitizer_time_per_point( );
40 Pretrigger = int( 0.9 * trig_pos * Rec_len );
42 change_scale( ( - trig_pos * Rec_len * time_res ) / 1 us,
43               digitizer_time_per_point( ) / 1 us );
45 File = get_file( );
46 fsave( File, "% Start field     = # G\n"
47              "% End field       = # G\n"
48              "% Field step size = # G\n"
49              "% Num. averages   = #\n"
50              "% Time resolution = # us\n"
51              "% Trigger pos.    = #\n"
52              "% Record length   = #\n",
53        start_field, end_field, field_step, Num_avg,
54        digitizer_time_per_point( ) / 1 us,
55        trig_pos * Rec_len, Rec_len );
56 save_program( File, "% " );
57 save_comment( File, "% " );
60 FOR I = 1 : N {
61     digitizer_start_acquisition( );
62     curve = digitizer_get_curve( CH1 );
64     background = mean( curve, 1, Pretrigger );
66     display( 1, I, curve / 1 mV, 1,
67              1, I, ( curve - background ) / 1 mV, 2 );
69     fsave( File, "\n% #.: Field = # G\n\n", I, field );
70     save( File, curve );
72     field = magnet_sweep_up( );
73 }

There aren't too many new things in this script. In the DEVICES section the modules for the gaussmeter, the field controller and the digitizer get loaded. In the VARIABLES section first the variables that get often changed are listed, i.e. the start and end field, the field step and the number of laser flashes to average over at each field. Then several other variables used during the experiment are declared.

In the PREPARATIONS section the graphics get initialized, we will display the averaged traces at each field point, so we need a 2D display. We're going to display 2 curves, one with the raw data and one where we try to do some background subtraction by taking some points before the laser flash and subtracting their mean value from the curve. This should take care of slow drifts of the base line.

We will display the time traces along the i-axis and have the y-axis as the field axis. Since we don't know yet the length of a trace we pass the init_2d() function a 0 as the number of points in x-direction. On the other hand we already calculated how many field points we're going to measure, so we can specify it. Also for the scaling of the x-axis we still have to pass the function some dummy values, because we know about them only after we have talked to the digitizer. But since we know the start field and the field step we can already set up the scaling for the y-axis.

The initialization of the magnet in line 30 is straight forward again. After this we also set up the number of averages the digitizer is going to do and that the digitizer is supposed to receive its trigger from channel AUX (the trigger comes from a diode detecting the laser flash).

Now the experiment already gets started. We ask the digitizer for the length of the traces and then set it to a pretrigger of 10% of the total curve length. Then we ask it again for the time resolution (i.e. the time difference between two points in a trace. Finally we calculate the number of points of the pretrigger phase (multiplied by 0.9 to avoid getting too near to the point where the laser flash comes in). This number is later used in the background subtraction.

Since we now know the exact timing we can set up the scaling for the x-axis. We would like to have the laser flash at time 0, so we tell the program that the first point is at a negative time, the time before the laser flash.

Before we finally start the experiment alll relevant parameters of the experiment get written to the output file. After obtaining a file via the get_file() function the start and end field and the the field step width, the number of averages, the time resolution, the trigger position and the length of the traces get written into the file as well as the text of the EDL script itself. Calling save_comment() allows the user to enter some further text, like the name of the sample, the temperature etc. into the file.

And now the experiment starts for real. Everything is done in a loop over all field points. At each field point we ask the digitizer to start an acquisistion (consisting of averaging over the number of traces specified above in the call of digitizer_num_averages() and then ask it for the curve it measured on channel CH1. For the background subtraction we calculate in line 64 the mean value of the first Pretrigger points of the measured curve, i.e. the points before the laser flash.

Now we only have to display and store the new curve. In line 66 we display both the raw curve and the curve after background subtraction (in both cases divided by 1 mV because we want to display the measured voltage in units uf milli-volts).

Before each new set of data we write the current field value into the file in line 69. Storing the whole set of points of the trace is done by a simple call of fsave(), it will write all points one after each other into the file.

Everything left to be done is sweeping the field to the next field value and the loop can start with the fetching the next curve.

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This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.