B.6 Bruker NMR Gaussmeter BNM12
Module name: bnm12
Additionally required module: witio_48
Description: Bruker
BNM12 NMR Gaussmeter can only be used to measure fields. Using it
requires that the module for the WITIO-48 DIO card
) is loaded.
Controlled via: Read only via WITIO-48 DIO card.
Status: Tested
Please note: If a field resolution other than 0.1 G is
set at the front panel of the device, the function
must be called, otherwise the
field values returned by the module will be wrong. Also note that for
a resolution setting of 0.01 G the kG part of the field will be
missing, i.e. a field of 3125.63 G will be reported as being
125.63 G for the highest resolution setting.
Supported functions:
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.