B.19 Frankfurt Sweep Power Supply (Prisner group, Frankfurt)
Module name: fsps25
Description: This module controls a home-built power supply, delivering the current through the additional sweep coil of a superconducting magnet. The power supply was developed by Bernhard Thiem in the group of T. Prisner, based on a device by B. Kinzer.
Controlled via USB (USB-to-serial converter)
Status: Tested
Supported functions:
- `magnet_name()'
- `magnet_field()'
- `magnet_sweep_rate()'
- `magnet_max_current()'
- `magnet_max_sweep_rate()'
- `magnet_act_current()'
- `magnet_coil_current()'
- `magnet_heater_state()'
- `magnet_request_expert_mode()'
- `magnet_shutdown()'
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.