B.62 National Instruments PCI-MIO-16E-1 DAQ card
Module name: pci_mio_16e_1
Description: Data acquisition (DAQ) card PCI-MIO-16E-1 by National Instruments for analog input and output and with general purpose counters, timer and digital I/O.
Controlled via: PCI card (required Linux device driver and
library are part of the fsc2
Status: Tested
Supported functions:
- `daq_name()'
- `daq_ao_channel_setup()'
- `daq_set_voltage()'
- `daq_get_voltage()'
- `daq_reserve_dac()'
- `daq_reserve_adc()'
- `daq_ai_channel_setup()'
- `daq_ai_acq_setup()'
- `daq_ai_start_acquisition()'
- `daq_ai_get_curve()'
- `daq_start_continuous_counter()'
- `daq_start_timed_counter()'
- `daq_timed_count()'
- `daq_intermediate_count()'
- `daq_final_count()'
- `daq_stop_counter()'
- `daq_single_pulse()'
- `daq_continuous_pulses()'
- `daq_freq_out()'
- `daq_trigger_setup()'
- `daq_dio_read()'
- `daq_dio_write()'
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.