B.74 S-band Magnet Power Supply (narrow range)
Module name: s_band_magnet_narrow
Description: Power supply for magnet with home-built computer control to be used with the S-band spectrometer in the group of T. Prisner at the J.-W.-Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. Field range is 1070 G to 1479.5 G with a resolution of 0.1 G.
Controlled via: Serial port
Status: Tested
Supported functions:
- `magnet_name()'
- `magnet_setup()'
- `magnet_field()'
- `magnet_field_step_size()'
- `magnet_reset_field()'
- `magnet_sweep_up()'
- `magnet_sweep_down()'
- `magnet_goto_field_on_end()'
- `set_field() (deprecated)'
- `get_field() (deprecated)'
- `sweep_up() (deprecated)'
- `sweep_down() (deprecated)'
- `reset_field() (deprecated)'
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.