B.41 Oxford Instruments Magnet Sweep Power Supply IPS120-10 with DAC modulation input
Module name: ips120_10_mod
Additionally required module: rb8510_0
(to be selected via the devices configuration
Description: Power supply for the Oxford Instruments superconducting magnet previously used for the Leiden W-band spektrometer. This is an older version of the IPS120-10 with a current resolution of 10 mA. Therefore it has been fitted with an external voltage input that allows to modulate the output current by about +/- 5% of the maximum rated current of 120 A by a voltage in the +/- 10 V range. The external voltage is supplied by a RULBUS RB8510 DAC card, which has a voltage resolution of 5 mV, resulting in a current resolution of 0.3 mA and a field resolution of ca. 0.125 G. Please note that this improved resolution applies only when a field is set, the sweep step resolution remains unchanged (and sweeps thus should probably be avoided when using this device).
Controlled via: GPIB bus (the device has a (non-standard)
serial port, a GPV24
interface for conversion between
and IEEE488
is employed).
Status: Tested
Supported functions:
- `magnet_name()'
- `magnet_setup()'
- `magnet_field()'
- `magnet_field_step_size()'
- `magnet_reset_field()'
- `magnet_sweep_rate()'
- `magnet_sweep()'
- `magnet_goto_field_on_end()'
- `get_field() (deprecated)'
- `set_field() (deprecated)'
- `reset_field() (deprecated)'
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.