B.38 Field Control (HJS_FC, Steinhoff group, Osnabrueck)
Module name: hjs_fc
Additionally required module: hjs_daadc
and bnm12
Description: Pseudo-device module used for controlling
magnets in the
group of H.-J. Steinhoff at the University of Osnabrueck. There's not just one
device that gets controlled directly by this module but instead the
magnetic field is controlled via the output voltage of a home-built DA
and AD converter, using the module hjs_daadc
, and the
field is measured by the Bruker BNM12 gaussmeter bnm12
(which in turn requires the witio_48
module for the
WITIO-48 DIO card for reading in the measured field). When this module
is used neither the DAC of the DA and AD converter nor the first DIO
) of the WITIO-48 DIO card can be used, both get reserved
automatically for this module.
Status: Tested
Supported functions:
- `magnet_name()'
- `magnet_setup()'
- `set_field()'
- `sweep_up()'
- `sweep_down()'
- `reset_field()'
- `magnet_calibration_file()'
This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.